Some say love is blind. Some say love is injurious to health, as smoking is to health.Which of the above said is true? Should we follow our heart or should we follow our logical process of thinking?? Is the heart above the brain or the brain above the heart??? Many find love to be infectious and contagious and yet some find it to be irritating and frustrating. Where the heart is there will be our treasure. So should we follow our heart?? Can love be broken? Can love be torn apart? These are questions to which one has never been able to answer. Love is wonderful feeling but it comes bundled with all the emotions in the world. Pain, joy, sorrow, sadness, madness, lust, happiness, care are all part of love. Love isn't just one feeling it's a mix of everything. Love is excruciatingly and wondrously joyous. Love leaves you utterly confused and senseless, and yet man strives towards love. It is like a magnet which keeps attracting you and saps all the energy out of you. Most people confuse physical love with emotional love. Some believe both are inter connected and yet some believe true love is only emotional. Man is queer creature. He has glorified love and even disgraced it. Some call it a slow poison, others consider to be the wine of the Gods. The question is, is love a trap or an opportunity?